Our apples are available from August to November through our apple clubs and our Friday/Saturday farm stand. Farm stand hours: CLOSED for the season! ANNOUNCEMENT: We are sold out of apples for the season! Thank you for your understanding. Frozen cider is still available for pickup by appointment! You can order through the website.
Open by appointment January through April for scionwood pickup.
Our apple scion wood can be ordered from October thru March and is shipped from late January thru early April.
Learn more about our apples and how to get them with the links at the top of the page. All of our apples are grown using the strictest, organic practices.
40385 Queener Dr., Scio OR 97374
Owner, Orchard Manager - Graham Fordyce: 503-871-9596, fordycegraham@yahoo.com
Co-owner, Farm Stand, Office - Christina Fordyce: 503-930-8280, fordycefarminc@gmail.com